Sunday, May 13, 2012


Lakota spirituality is based on the circle. The Lakota saw the journey of life and death as a circular process. They also interacted with one another in a circular fashion, rather than in a struggle for domination.

The Lakota even used the circle’s symbolism in their architecture. Their houses (which are known as tipis) had circular foundations.
"Everything the Power does, it does in a circle." Lakota Proverb

"Creation is continuous." Lakota Proverb

"I am standing at the Earth’s center." Lakota Proverb

"A man’s life is a circle from childhood to childhood, and thus it is in everything where the power moves." Black Elk

"The power of the world always works in circles." Black Elk

"The center of the universe is everywhere." Black Elk

The Lakota Indians

This is very similar to the teachings in the Tao

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